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    学校价格:¥120.00 网上优惠价:¥100 关注度:805人
    总课时:预约咨询 开班日期:随时 上课时段:9:00--20:00  
    上课地点:大连市中山区友好路 211号 商务特区大厦 16F

    Chinese for Young Learners 微笑*汉语课
    Smile Chinese for Kids 微笑汉语给*们的
    Our Smile Chinese for Young Learners curriculum has been specifically designed for learners aged 3 - 9 years. For this age group we have developed interesting and fun content and implement suitable teaching methods to focus towards the characteristics of how children are able to learn the language in the most effective way. Our classes will be entertaining, personalized and provide comprehensive support for children in their Chinese language learning and a life in China.
    Class Content  上课内容
    Our Smile Chinese for Young Learners course is divided into sixteen units and include topics such as greetings, my family, nationalities, jobs, transport, clothes and colors, weather and holidays, sports and hobbies, appearances and descriptions, healthy eating and shopping etc. We provide a comprehensive overview of the key topics to help improve children's Chinese speaking and communication skills.
    Who is this course appropriate for ?  本课程适合是谁?
    1. Zero-based learning: young learner's aged 3 - 9 years
    2. All language levels for young learners
    Smile Chinese for Teens  微笑汉语给*
    Our Smile Chinese for Teens curriculum has been specifically designed for learners aged 10 - 18 years. The course focuses on a combination of the language and the Chinese culture to not only improve the verbal communication skills of the students, but to increase their understanding of the Chinese culture and maximize the practical application of the language used in everyday life.
    Class Content  上课内容
    Our Smile Chinese for Teens course includes topics such as greetings, my family, nationalities, jobs, transport, clothes and colors, weather and holidays, sports and hobbies, appearances and descriptions, healthy eating and shopping etc. We provide a comprehensive overview of the key topics to help improve teenager's Chinese speaking and communication skills.
    Who is this course appropriate for ?  本课程适合是谁?
    1. Zero-based learning: teenager's aged 10 - 18 years
    2. All language levels for teenagers
    To apply for your Chinese course, please complete the online registration
    International Mobile :+86 133 2220 2227
    Service Hotline : +86 411 8282 0606
    编号 班级名称 开班日期 教学点 网上优惠价 网上支付
    *课程分类: *课程名称:
    *学员姓名: *手机号码:
    备注: 温馨提示:提交报名后我们有老师和你联系
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